viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011


Venice Data

Regional capital of the Province of Venice.
Regional capital of the Veneto Region.

Area:      414,4 Kmq.

Population of the city of Venice: 269.924
Population of the historic city centre: 60.393 (22.3\%)
(figures from the Comune di Venezia 31st october 2008)
The historic city centre is distributed over 118 islands with a total of 7.61 Kmq.
divided in two main groups by the Canal Grande (approx. 3km long). There are 411 bridges linking the islands (339 public and 72 private) four of which cross the Canal Grande (Ponte della Costituzione, Ponte degli Scalzi, Ponte di Rialto, Ponte dell'Accademia)

The historic city centre of Venice is divided into 6 "sestieri" (quarters):

Number of tourists visiting the comune of Venice in 1997:
3'112'378 arrivals - 10'868'307 presence - average stay: 3.49 giorni
(dati A.P.T. di Venezia )

Number of tourists visiting the comune of Venice in 2007:
3.626.853 arrivals - 8.842.874 presence - average stay: 2,44 giorni
(dati A.P.T. di Venezia )
Number of tourists visting the historic city centre in 1997:
1'443'394 arrivals - 3'325'556 presence - average stay: 2.30 giorni
(dati A.P.T. di Venezia )
Number of tourists visting the historic city centre in 2007:
2'165'656 arrivals - 5'875'370 presence - average stay: 2.71 giorni
(dati A.P.T. di Venezia )

Distance in kilometres by road

principal Italian cities
Ancona 305 --- Aosta 445 --- Bari 760
Bologna 155 --- Bozen 250 --- Brindisi 870
Campobasso 620 --- Catanzaro 1130 --- Civitavecchia 505
Florence 255 --- Genoa 400 --- L'Aquila 490
Livorno 350 --- Milan 270 --- Naples 740
Perugia 340 --- Potenza 755 --- Reggio Calabria 1225
Roma 530 --- Taranto 840 --- Turin 400
Trento 195 --- Trieste 155

principal European cities
Amsterdam 1305 --- Ankara 2160 --- Athina 1960
Barcelona 1295 --- Beograd 785 --- Berlin 1075
Bern 585 --- Bonn 1030 --- Bruxelles 1230
Bucaresti 1390 --- Budapest 680 --- Dublin 1900
Frankfurt A.M. 860 --- Hamburg 1255 --- Helsinki 2320
Istambul 1735 --- København 1410 --- Lisboa 2585
London 1465 --- Luxembourg 1015 --- Madrid 1925
Marseille 805 --- Moskva 2595 --- Mü
Oslo 2015 --- Paris 1125 --- Praha 780
S.Petersburg 2725 --- Sofija 1175 --- Stockholm 2055
Warszawa 1410 --- Wien 615


January.......min. -4......max. 6......days of rain: 7
February......min. -3.....max. 9.......days of rain: 6
March.........min. 3.......max. 14.......days of rain: 8
April..........min. 10.....max. 19.....days of rain: 9
May........min. 13.....max. 23.....days of rain: 8
June.........min. 16.....max. 26.....days of rain: 8
July..........min. 19.....max. 30......days of rain: 7
August........min. 20 .....max. 32......days of rain: 7
September...min. 15.....max. 28......days of rain: 6
October.......min. 10.....max. 20......days of rain: 8
November....min. 6......max. 12......days of rain: 9
December.....min. -1.....max. 8.......days of rain: 8

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